Design and testing of District Metered Areas

Our DMA design and review process is unique as we don’t simply rely on desktop analysis and hydraulic design

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Design of DMAs


Our experience of building and calibrating hydraulic network models does enable us to establish zones that operate effectively to ensure optimised hydraulics and levels of service.

However we also provide a comprehensive practical review of DMA design to ensure the aspects of how to operate and maintain DMA is taken in to account.

Aspects of CDM are important to ensure meters and PRVS can be maintained effectively, we consider traffic management restrictions and we consider the essential maintenance of water quality and public health.


Testing of DMAs


We can test DMAs through induced flow tests, pressure zero tests and intensive pressure data logging to assess and identify localised head losses.

Our ‘Hydrolics’ software enable us to identify DMA breaches and large flows/demands that affect hydraulic gradients.

We also review the demand patterns of metered commercial and retail customers, often including customer interviews, assessments of onsite storage and a review of peak demand tariffs.