x35 Critical Valves:
Assessed on a strategic trunk main, each valve was operated through a full cycle to ascertain its size, full torque graph and number of valve turns. GPS location and survey reports were provided. 17 valves were noted in good condition, 11 valves were noted as tight requiring specialist and/or hydraulic actuation and 7 valves were seized. All operable valves were noted to require reduced amounts of torque following one cycle of operation.
18″ Seized Valve:
This valve was identified as seized 12 months prior to our site visit and previously had numerous attempts to release it including the use of large keys with bars and heating of the packing gland region. Valve release equipment was installed on to the valve taper and after just one hour of fitting the valve release equipment the valve was released.
64″ Gate Valve:
A difficult valve to operate, this normally requires the client to use six technicians to operate it fully over a six hour period. The Hydrosave survey proved that the valve had only previously been opened 592 turns out of the full 790 turns required to open/close fully. The valve was operated using our trailer-mounted hydraulic actuation equipment. The survey showed that high levels of torque are required to operate this valve, generally 300lbs/ft with multiple peaks exceeding 750lbs/ft
Water Treatment Works – Planned Maintenance:
One of the 48″ valves on a works outlet was seized in an open position and was needed closed for operational maintenance. High powered actuation had been tried by the water company and failed after a few turns, deeming the valve as seized. Hydrosave’s valve release process was successful enabling the valve to turn freely with significantly reduced torque. The operation was undertaken safely, minimising disruption and saving thousands in replacement cost and operational shut downs.
Reservoir Maintenance Project:
As part of a planned reservoir refurbishment, several critical valves were budgeted for replacement. During the project design and value management process a financial efficiency was highlighted should the valves be released. Hydrosave’s clever valve release service was chosen by the client due to its ability to release valves without causing damage or placing undue stress on valve spindles. If the valves were to be retained they needed to be in good operational condition moving forward. Valves were released successfully by Hydrosave and new tapers fitted to enable future operation. A valve torque assessment was also carried out following the release process to certify the valves for single man operation in the future.